Sunday, September 29, 2013

I worked it out!

I am excited
Seems like I finally worked out why my blog page was broken
Up grade to Google chrome and suddenly I can 

Justify, spell check, 
move around the page without depending on the 
up down arrows
I bet photos are even quicker to up load. Yes!
All my cries for help went un-noticed but...
I worked it out!

Spring is in full swing in the garden. 
I have picked many buckets of Rannnculi, 
these Larkspurs are the poor mans Delphinium.
Just breaking ground are the Dame Edna Gladdioli mix

Snap dragons for Lou! 
Some really nice colour combinations

 And then there is the fruit.
Loquats are looking good on these three year old trees

Mullberries, this is the Australian weeping variety
Two crops a year from this tree. 
The spring one is the best but there will be another around
Easter. I am going to freeze some and try Mullberry smoothies

This is my Farmer Brown view,
The rabbits break in from the forest and chew everything.
They like Ranunculi, Tiger lillies, Dahlias,
You name it, they like it, except weeds. 
They could have grown fat on clover......but no

Gillardias to finish off.

1 comment:

Annie said...

Sorry for no help...I figured you weren't even checking due to frustration...not that I would have a clue, but I think you're clever for working it out. Cal says we should regularly log off properly which I seldom do, but he says things update and matter, glad you got it going again